The benefits of a sustainable competitive advantage
Today’s logistic requirements are getting increasingly complex as the customer expectations for faster lead times, expanded products and services, and tailored experiences are increased.
Saab provides tailored support solutions to meet the unique demand of each customer through our customizable, fully integrated life cycle based support concept.
From the customer’s requirements and prerequisites, we develop a cost effective, optimal logistics concept by using analysis of availability performance and Life Cycle Cost requirements. We can help you counter any challenge by balancing the need to maximize availability with the goal of reducing costs.
Life cycle based support
Our support ensure that your system and equipment provide maximum value in a sustainable manner throughout the whole life cycle.
We provide all the necessary support from the earliest stages of planning to retirement, in order to give the system the best performance.

Breaking the cost curve
Our skills and experience within logistics analysis have been a large contributor in breaking the trend of escalating cost in fighter aircraft development.
We have the tools
Saab has many years of experience and expertise in the use of the most effective software tools on the market.
If necessary we develop our own tailored tools and models in order to provide the most suitable and efficient solution to our customers.
Increased availability & reduced cost
We will be part of setting up the complete life cycle of your solution by asking our Logistics Analysis experts for assistance in product design, procurement, utilization, support and retirement.
If you need to:
- Optimize the spare parts inventory
- Range and scale the resources
- Keep track of the life cycle cost
- Establish a cost effective supply network
- Achieve high system availability & reliability
We can:
- Evaluate all the life cycle stages by applying our broad experience in Logistics Analysis.
- Provide evidence of achieved availability performance and cost characteristics to optimize a cost effective support solution for any product or system.
- Adapt the size of the analysis to the size and complexity of the project and system.
Your benefits will be:
- A systematic methodology with tools and methods for the whole Life Cycle, which can be used from specification to end-life management
An analytic evaluation of cost estimates, assisting decision making process, budgeting and comparing different design alternatives. - A proactive work with risk management to eliminate and prevent problems before they occur or get critical.
- An achieved logistics solution with a balance between performance and cost.
- A justification of improvements through operational performance evaluation and analysis.
Capabilities & services
Logistics analysis is complicated but efficient. The following list contains examples of services that we can provide:
- Requirements management, including identification definition, analysis and break down of requirements concerning availability performance and cost effectiveness
- Development of verification plan that includes allocation, follow-up and verification of requirements
- Decision support for negotiations related to cost, availability and logistics
- Evaluation of different make or buy alternatives and of different solutions for obsolescence issues
- Design and system effectiveness evaluation of alternative solutions
- Life Cycle Cost analysis or tailored analysis for different stages of production, support, maintenance or retirement
- Ranging and scaling of maintenance resources, spares recommendations, and resource optimizations
- Level Of Repair Analysis including repair or discard decisions
- Analysis of system availability and cost during the retirement stage
- Analysis of how sensitive the results are to small changes in the input parameters